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A card game by Christian Simmons

Illustrated by Britt Spencer

Naked Court Game Box

Naked Court:
The Card Game

Fully funded on Kickstarter!

The family-friendly, gender-bending, fast playing, strategic card game based on the classic fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes."

In Naked Court: The Card Game, players must first assemble their Courts during "The Royal Entrance", then attempt to stay clothed as your opponents do their darndest to denude your Royals in "The Battle Royale"; because in Naked Court...when you're NAKED, you're OUT! The game features male, female, and androgynous characters (Royal Cards) that are limited in their fashion-choices (Attire Cards) depending on which gender they identify as.

Naked Court was born of the magical & maddening mind of Christian Simmons, and illustrated entirely by master artist Britt Spencer - featuring over 100 original works. And get this... the game is off to the manufacturer and can be in your hands in just a few months.

Tailor Card featuring Projects We Love icon from Kickstarter
A card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Ornate DaggerAndrogynous King Card for Naked Court: The Card GameA card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Fancy Denim DressA card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Silk KimonoFemale Emperor Card for Naked Court: The Card GameA card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Rainbow RobeFemale Wild Card for Naked Court: The Card GameAndrogynous Jack Card for Naked Court: The Card GameMale Emperor Card for Naked Court: The Card GamePlaying card from Naked Court, the Card Game.

Naked Court

A family-friendly updated take on the classic fairy-tale "The Emperor's New Clothes"... in a card game! Naked Court encourages creativity, basic math skills, human interaction, imagination, humor, storytelling, strategy, and of course... play!

"Destined to be a classic!" - Voicez In Head

"It feels like I've played this already somehow... in my dreams, or in a past life, or in an alternate dimension." - Orpah Rinfree

"The game creates a singular energy all its own -  and it tastes purely of scrumptious Naked Court." -Generic Reviewer Dummy Account_873z

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Blue Halftone pattern
Male Jack Card for Naked Court: The Card GameAndrogynous King Card for Naked Court: The Card GameA card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Female QueenA card from "Naked Court: The Card Game": Androgynous Emperor

Fun for the WHOLE family?

Yes, Naked Court: The Card Game is family-friendly!
That said, there is definite wiggle room in the exact interpretation of “family-friendly” depending on your family. Naked Court features Royals of various ethnicities, shapes, sizes, and (gender) expressions so you can be sure its message is one of inclusion and diversity. And while these factors may omit the game from the “family-friendly” category for some, I’m hoping they REFRESH the “family-friendly” category for most.
Naked Court never pushes an agenda; it simply depicts the wonderful variety inside the human experience, and celebrates it.